For You. Marion Community Foundation helps charitable-minded people like you achieve long-term philanthropic objectives by creating tax-deductible, named endowment funds.
For Marion. These funds support numerous Marion area nonprofit programs, organizations, and
individuals through grants and scholarships.
Forever. Because of our prudent investment policy and the endowed nature of these funds, grants, and scholarships in your name will continue forever.
Applying for this scholarship? Applications for the 2026-2027 scholarship cycle will open in December 2025.
The Marion Community Foundation manages the application and award process for the WBC Scholarship. Students do not apply for a particular scholarship, rather they are matched and will be considered for all scholarships based on their application responses and the scholarships’ criteria.

The Women’s Business Council of Marion, Ohio, exists to “inspire women to reach their full potential through mentoring, networking, education, and recognition.” This professional organization began in 1994 to foster and promote self-employed entrepreneurial women and women working in the corporate environment throughout the greater Marion area. Marion’s Women’s Business Council is one of a select number of cities to present The Athena Award of excellence in leadership to a woman of distinction each year. This national honor recognizes a business and professional woman who has demonstrated her passion to help other women reach their goals in business or community leadership.
A non-profit organization, the WBC, seeks to support female students from the Marion area pursuing college studies in a business-related field—finance, economics, marketing, management, advertising, accounting, human resources, entrepreneurship, and similar fields. With the ever-rising cost of higher education, helping others achieve their educational goals shows the world where your priorities lie and ensures a brighter future.
Supporting the Women’s Business Council Scholarship Fund at Marion Community Foundation is one of the best things you can do to help future businesswomen in Marion. We can help you help Marion, forever. Call Dean Jacob at 740-387-9704 to learn more.
THANK YOU for supporting local students!
- 2025 To Be Announced May 1, 2025
- 2024 Shelby Westler
- 2023 Riley Hamm
- 2022, 2021 Kaycie Stark
- 2020 Alissa Holler
The winner of the 2018 Women’s Business Council scholarship, Alexis Mulvaine, sent us a thoughtful thank you letter. We’ve shared it below.
I am deeply honored to be a recipient of the Marion Women’s Business Council Scholarship. Thank you for awarding me with this scholarship and giving me the opportunity to pursue my dreams.
This scholarship is very important to me as I will be beginning my college career this upcoming fall. I will be attending Ohio Northern University to earn my pharmaceutical degree. Thanks to you, I am one step closer to obtaining this goal.
By awarding me the Marion Women’s Business Council Scholarship, you have provided me with resources to accomplish my goals in my future. I hope to one day make differences in people’s lives just like you have made in mine. Thank you again for awarding me this scholarship.